Sunday, March 14, 2010

It’s March!!! What should I be doing concerning dahlias?

There is always something that a dahlia enthusiast can be doing that is dahlia related. March is the time to begin gearing up for dahlia season.

Things to do:
• Check the dahlia tubers that you have stored over the winter: Now is the time to take a peek at those stored dahlia tubers. Did those tubers make it through the winter in good condition? Some friends of mine are introducing a new dahlia this year. They were so excited when it scored so well in the Washington State Dahlia Society show. They recently looked at their store tubers and were shocked!! Almost all of the tubers had rotted! It is time to make sure that your tubers did not rot or get too dried out. Please note, tubers that are slightly withered and wrinkled will probably still grow. Replace those tubers that did not store well. Get rid of those tubers that are rotten—they will spread the rot to other tubers that they come in contact with.
• Order or purchase new dahlia tubers for your garden. Online dahlia retail businesses (like mine at are selling out and beginning to stop taking orders. Get those orders in ASAP.
• Support your local dahlia society. Many dahlia societies are having tuber sales to help fund their annual shows and other events. The Washington State Dahlia Society (the club I belong to) has several upcoming sales. The first sale is this coming weekend (March 20-21) at the University of Puget Sound field house. The annual Women’s League hosts the Flea Market. The hours are from 10 am to 5 pm.

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